You will be tutored by an acknowledged Mistress of the Art of Seduction. Miss Erica Storm has spent more than ten years coaching a wide variety of ladies, often at the request of their lovers.

My Bedroom Tutorial is a very personal, very bespoke session for the lady who wants to experience all the joy of intimacy while keeping her lover more than satisfied. Time after time. I will teach you how to create exciting scenarios to keep the relationship young, vibrant and interesting.

I will build your confidence to be assured in the bedroom setting and the power that confidence gives you to seduce and be seduced, to communicate your needs and desires as well as fulfilling your lover and yourself in every desirable way. My clients are international as well as domestic. My services are available in London or overseas as required.

The tutorial is bespoke to each client and a programme will be proposed after an initial (free) telephone consultation with Miss Erica Storm.

Fees range from £1200.


You can book your Bedroom Tutorial using the online booking system below.

Please note if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment it needs to be done within 48 hours from the time you made your initial booking.

Cancellations outside of that period will result in loss of your payment.